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Burker announces resignation from council to fill mayor role

At the Dec. 7 Coplay Borough Council meeting, Councilman Stephen Burker announced he is resigning his council seat Jan. 3, 2022, due to winning a write-in campaign for mayor in the primary election.

Having served on council for eight years, Burker noted his original campaign slogan was “working with you and for you.”

“This will not change. The only thing that will change is the title,” Burker said. “I promise to serve the next four years as your mayor with the same passion, pride and integrity as the past eight years.”

In other business, police Chief Vincent Genovese distributed information regarding an ordinance dealing with problem tenants. Council will review and discuss establishing an ordinance to allow police to work closely with code enforcement officials to relieve tenant issues.

Fire Chief Brandon Bechtel reported the fire station driveway had been blocked recently and that this has happened on a few occasions. Genovese and Paul Boyle, public works director, noted there are no-parking signs between arrows in this area. Councilman Charles Sodl asked if there was a way to make the signs more prominent or extend the amount of space.

A quote in the amount of $9,919.99 was received to have ash removed from the boiler system in borough hall to maintain the performance of the system. Council will vote on this purchase at the regular meeting, set for Dec. 14.

Discussion ensued regarding repairs and maintenance needed at borough hall. One topic that arose was the possibility of selling the building and then leasing it from the new owner. This would cut down on continued upkeep and may make sense for the long term. This topic will be revisited and researched going forward.

Councilwoman Janet Eisenhauer reported the library director position will be open in the very near future, as the current director is leaving. Additionally, the library is in need of one board member and one part-time employee.