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Bel Canto Youth ‘Winter Concert’ in-person

The Bel Canto Youth Chorus “Winter Concert,” with a program from medieval carols to music from young contemporary composers, will be held at 4 p.m. Dec. 5, St. John’s Windish Evangelical Lutheran Church, 617 E. Fourth St., Bethlehem.

The program by the Bel Canto Concert Choir, Preparatory Chorus and combined choirs includes “Nova, Nova,” a medieval annunciation carol arranged by Richard Proulx, with Laura Dunham, Julia Sobrinsky and Matilda Snyder, soloists; “Jesu, dir sei Preis,” from Cantata 142 by Johann Kuhnau (catalogued as J. S. Bach); “Alleluia,” from Cantata 142 by Johann Kuhnau (catalogued as J. S. Bach); “Carol of the Fieldmice,” by Philip Ledger;

Also, ”Have You Seen the Baby Jesus?,” by Rosephanye Powell, with Taylor Kendall, soloist; “What Wondrous Love,” from “Appalachian Carols,” arranged by Gwyneth Walker; “If Wishes Had Wings,” by Paul Caldwell and Sean Ivory; “Where the Light Begins,” by Susan LaBarr; “When the Song of the Angels is Stilled,” by Elizabeth Alexander, and “Draw the Circle Wide,” by Mark Miller, with combined choirs and audience.

“Our winter program celebrates the message of the Christmas story, and the work we need to continue to do to bring peace and unity to our world once the Christmas season passes,” said Dr. Joy Hirokawa, Bel Canto founder, Artistic Director and concert choir conductor.

“This is work we do every week as we guide our choristers to become better humans through the music they sing from their very souls,” said Hirokawa, adding, “Please join us and thank you for generously supporting our efforts to make the world a better place through song.”

The concert features Megan Jones and David Yerger, recorder; St. Peter’s Handbell Ringers, with Stacey Hageman, director, and Friends of Bel Canto, percussion. Andrea Berntsen is collaborative pianist. Elizabeth Kane is preparatory chorus conductor.

Those age 12-plus attending the concert must be vaccinated and show proof of complete COVID-19 vaccination before being admitted. Proof may be offered digitally via a smart phone, the original vaccination card, or a digital or printed copy of the card, along with a personal ID card (license or other form).

Face masks are required for attendees. A face mask must be placed properly, covering the nose and mouth. Musicians will wear face masks, but may remove them to sing or play an instrument as needed.

Ticket information: https://bach.org/belcanto/