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Long-term school board members honored


Special to The Press

Four Parkland School Directors with eight or more years of service were honored by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association and received recognition at the board’s Nov. 16 meeting.

Robert Cohen and David Kennedy each have 24 years of service on the school board; Lisa Roth has 12 years; and David Hein has eight years.

All have served as president of the board at least once.

They were added to the PSBA Honor Roll of School Board Service.

Board President David Hein read a letter of recognition from the PSBA which stated board members of today are expected to do more with fewer resources, but nevertheless give of their time and talent.

Superintendent Dr. Mark Madson spoke about the board members and their years of dedicated volunteer service to children, the community and public education.

“These elected officials give unselfishly of their time and energy to support and guide our public schools and the students they serve,” Madson said. “Their efforts, along with those of their fellow directors, reflect the mission of our schools to provide opportunities for success for every student.”

On a different matter, the board turned attention to the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the district and the Parkland Education Association.

The agreement was approved at the board’s Oct. 26 meeting.

Some concerns had arisen over whether the board complied with the Sunshine Act when it added the item to the agenda without posting it at least 24 hours before the meeting.

The issue was raised by Jarrett Coleman during public comment.

A statement along with the agenda item for a revote indicated the official action taken to approve the CBA was in full compliance with the Sunshine Act.

“We believe that we did it right,” Solicitor Steve Miller said. “Now we’ll prove we did it right.”

After the board took a voice vote to approve the CBA, another question arose about the abstentions of board members David Hein and Carol Facchiano who have family members in the PEA.

They had abstained during the vote in October.

An additional vote was taken.

This time, Hein and Facchiano stated their abstentions, and everyone else voted in favor and the teachers’ contract was approved by board vote three times.

David Kennedy
Lisa Roth
David Hein