NORTH WHITEHALL: Union UCC to welcome community to Lights in the Grove on Dec. 4
Special to The Press
Union United Church of Christ, Neffs, is brightening the holiday with Lights in the Grove every night in December.
On Saturday, Dec. 4, from 3-5 p.m., the church will welcome the community to the grove for a time of fellowship to enjoy the lighting and the spirit of the season.
Live Christmas music will be provided by Blake Hoppes. There will be crafts for everyone, hot chocolate and snacks to go.
Letters to Santa will be collected.
Bring a chair. Masks are optional. Safe distancing is advised. Admission is free.
Donations of new hats, gloves and scarves may be given for distribution to the Sixth Street Shelter.
Rain date is 3-5 p.m. Dec. 5.
Union UCC will celebrate the retirement of the Rev. Dr. Patience Stevenson, pastor of visitation, at the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. worship services on Dec. 5.
The Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates, Penn Northeast Conference minister, will be the guest preacher.
The Rev. Patience joined the staff of Union UCC 15 years ago.
Her focus was caring for members on the visitation list, sharing hospital visits with other pastoral staffers, leading the monthly Golden Times senior gatherings, officiating at funerals, and assisting with worship.
She helped organize the Green Team and the church’s endeavors to care for God’s creation.
Union Lutheran Church, Schnecksville, is hosting a Nativity scene open house 3-7:30 p.m. Dec. 4 and 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Dec. 5.
Manger scenes from church families will be on display, along with information about the treasured items.
This might include the history of the Nativity scene or any special comments about it.
Some may be family heirlooms, others works of art, but all will be reminders of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Gordon Camp has his Nativity scene all ready for people to view. He purchased it in the Smokey Mountains, and all the characters are bears.
A free will offering will be accepted.
Personal care products and nonperishable foods may be brought for local food pantries.
Following COVID regulations, masks will be greatly encouraged.
Light refreshments will be served.