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Scouting for food in Salisbury

PRESS PHOTO BY DEBBIE GALBRAITH Scouts from Cub Pack 146 and Boy Scout Troop 146 collected food for those in need during the annual Scouting for Food campaign Nov. 6-13. Scouts dropped flyers at neighboring homes Nov. 6 and collected the food Nov. 13. All food collected was sorted and weighed at the sponsoring church, Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1707 Church Road, Allentown. The Scouts collected 742 pounds of food which was taken to the food bank at Grace Episcopal Church, 108 N. Fifth St., Allentown. ABOVE: Scouts, parents and leaders prepare to take the collected food to the food bank. Pictured are, left to right: Chris Dwornicki, Jacob Posluzney, Wioletta Posluzney, Kristian Posluzney, Pat Yemm, Angela Jackson, Tom Riley and Dave Markley.