Proposed Salisbury budget to be advertised
First of four parts
The proposed 2022 Salisbury Township budget calls for a general fund of $11,077,907 and total expenditures of $21,821,909.
The township budget is supported by a millage increase, 0.50 of a mill, from 2.42 mills to 2.92 mills. The 0.50 mill increase is: 0.25 mill for township police hires and 0.25 mill for township capital improvements.
The township tax hike is, on average, $120 annually, or $10 per month, based on the township median residential property valuation of $235,000.
As part of the proposed 2022 township budget, water rates will increase 35 cents from $7 to $7.35 per 1,000 gallons.
For a family averaging 20,000 gallons use per quarter, the increase is $10 per quarter and $40 annually, or an average increase of $3 per month.
The water rate increase is a pass-along hike from the Lehigh County Authority.
Trash hauling and recycling rates will not increase.
The Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners at its Nov. 10 meeting, approved a motion to advertise the public inspection period for the proposed 2022 budget.
Commissioners voted unanimously 5-0, on a motion by Vice President Rodney Conn, seconded by Commissioner Alok Patnaik, to advertise in a newspaper the budget is available for public inspection.
Commissioners are scheduled to review the final budget at the next township meeting 7 p.m. Nov. 23 in the municipal building. The meeting is not being held Nov. 25 because of the Thanksgiving Day holiday.
The 2022 budget and tax ordinance is expected to be presented for adoption at the 7 p.m. Dec. 9 township meeting. If not adopted, it will be presented at the 7 p.m. Dec. 23 township meeting.
A copy of the 115-page budget can be read at the township municipal building, 2900 S. Pike Ave. and on the township website, where it can be downloaded and printed.
Pennsylvania law requires that a budget must be advertised for 20 days before adoption.
At the Nov. 10 meeting, Salisbury Township Director of Fire Services Dustin Grow briefed commissioners on the needs of Eastern Salisbury Fire Department and Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Company.
“The fire companies are pretty satisfied that they’re getting the money they need to operate,” Grow said.
The 2022 combined budget by fund:
•General Fund: $11,077.907
•Capital Fund, General: $1,858,997
•Fire Fund: $375,360
•Capital Fund, Fire: $59,135
•Library Fund: $86,100
•Water Fund: $3,186,256
•Sewer Fund: $2,325,906
•Refuse and Recycling Fund: $2,012,248
•Debt Fund: $190,000
•Highway Fund: $650,000
Total: $21,821,909
Salisbury Township received approximately $727,000 in COVID-19 relief funds in the American Rescue Plan Act. The remainder of the $1.45 million is to be received in 2022.
The funds can be spent for infrastructure improvements, such as water and sewer projects and stormwater projects. The township is eligible to apply for lost revenue.
The 0.25 portion of the mills in the tax increase will fill two vacant positions in the township police department. Kyle Sabulsky and Kyle Watson took their oath of office at the Nov. 10 township meeting.
The township will add approximately $318,000 from the 0.25 mill hike to the capital improvement fund.
Next week: Part 2: Township 2020 budget