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Travis Manion Foundation teaches students about bullying


Special to The Press

Students at Springhouse Middle School attended an anti-bullying program called “Take a Stand” on Oct. 8 sponsored by the Travis Manion Foundation.

The program is designed to help students act appropriately when they encounter someone bullying a classmate, friend or even themselves.

The mantra of the foundation is “If not me, then who ...”

Marine Corps Lt. Col. Joey Fay was the keynote speaker for the program.

Fay, a 1998 graduate at Parkland High School and standout football player, went on to play football for the U.S. Naval Academy.

He graduated in 2003 as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps.

After serving on active duty for six years, he joined the Marine Corps Reserve spending 17 years and earning the rank of lieutenant colonel.

Additional programs were handled by Springhouse staff and administrators.

The entire student body was involved over the course of the day, one grade at a time.

PRESS PHOTOS BY LOU WHEELAND Springhouse Middle School Assistant Principal Craig Waters opened the “Take a Stand” presentation at the school with video presentations on Oct. 8.
Springhouse Middle School seventh graders Kennedy Perkins, Kelly Bates, and Shri Desai, sign an anti-bullying pledge during the Travis Manion Foundation program “Take a Stand” at the school.
Tic Tac Toe on the run. Merab Naveed and Mila Raja, seventh graders, take part in a team building exercise at Springhouse Middle School's “Take a Stand” program.
Springhouse Middle School students take part in team building exercises at the school on Oct. 8.
Parkland High School graduate and retired U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. Joey Fay, representing the Travis Manion Foundation, encourages Springhouse Middle School students to “Take a Stand” against bullying.
Terri Plattner, data and instructional specialist at Springhouse Middle School, was also a presenter during the “Take a Stand” program at the school.
Lailal Coppedge, Saadiyah Vimes, Aryana Dawson, and Danny Spencer sign the no bullying promise at Springhouse Middle School as Kylee Callahan and Adin Patel wait their turns.