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NOVA ladies prepare perfect wet bottom shoofly pies


Special to The Press

The Northern Valley EMS Ladies Auxiliary had its popular wet bottom shoofly pie sale on Sept. 20.

Auxiliary members spent several days baking more than 500 pies.

Shoofly pie is considered a staple in the Lehigh Valley due to its strong German heritage.

PRESS PHOTOS BY LOU WHEELAND Northern Valley EMS Auxiliary members Cathie Mylnek, Judy Murman and Janet Harris prepare shoofly pies for eager customers to pick up.
It takes the patience of an experienced shoofly pie maker to mix the molasses and other ingredients to make more than 500 perfect wet bottom shoofly pies and Charlotte Magee is that mixer.
Judy Seyler, Judy Van Horn, Suzanne Pfeiffer and Caroline Kotch add the molasses mixture to the pie crusts.