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4-H and Migrant Education partner for a gardening program

Lehigh County 4-H partnered with students this summer in the Migrant Education Program at the Community Services for Children, 1520 Hanover Avenue, Allentown.

The Migrant Education Program provided an opportunity for students to dig in the dirt and get into the garden.

This STEAM program was conducted in a hybrid fashion and included Saturday gardening sessions.

Students created their own flowers, planted their own seeds, planned their own garden, and learned how to grow their own vegetables.

Pennsylvania’s Migrant Education Program (PA-MEP) is a federally funded program that supplements educational support services for migratory children.

The PA-MEP assists school districts and charter schools in coordinating the continuity of educational services for children who have had their schooling interrupted and provides formula grants to state educational agencies to establish or improve education programs for migrant children.

Lehigh County 4-H partners with many youth serving agencies, childcare centers, and schools to provide high quality curriculum, activities, and programming for youth ages 5-18.

They welcome teachers and youth development professionals to inquire about how 4-H can partner with them.

Many educational and fun activities are offered by 4-H in Pennsylvania.

In Pennsylvania, 4-H is coordinated by Penn State Cooperative Extension through the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

4-H programs are open to all youths regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or disability.

For more information about the above events or other 4-H activities, call the 4-H office in your county: Lehigh 610-391-9840 or LehighExt@psu.edu.

PRESS PHOTOS COURTESY IVELISSE DUNHAM Lehigh County 4-H students in the Migrant Education program get instruction about gardening.
4-H students in the Migrant Education program in the garden.