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Picking, painting the perfect pumpkin

PRESS PHOTOS COURTESY ERICA SEITHER Barrett Gross from Katie Praetzel's class shows off the pumpkin he selected on Oct. 22 at Northwestern Elementary Partners In Education pumpkin patch.
Caleb Reinhart from Wendy White's class is having fun painting his pumpkin.
Katie Praetzel's students Kataryna Amore and Paige Lacourciere proudly show off their pumpkin selections.
Brynn Frano from Katie Praetzel's class using two hands proudly shows off the pumpkin she picked.
Wendy White's students Jonathan Kassis and (background left to right) Wyatt Sawyer, Nolan Paules, Caleb Reinhart and Hunter George are having so much fun painting their pumpkins.
Kacie Wessner from Wendy White's class is having fun painting her pumpkin different colors.
Evelyn Zandarski from Wendy White's class is busy painting her pumpkin from the pumpkin patch.
Katie Praetzel's student McKenzie Gruber proudly shows off her pumpkin with friend Emma Bayda peeking from behind.
BELOW: On Oct. 22 Northwestern Elementary Partners In Education set up a pumpkin patch for kindergarten students using donations from Mike Fink's Produce. PIE volunteers spread the pumpkins out in the lawn for the kids to pick egg-hunt style. Afterward, they painted them. Students from Jessica Marquardt's class scramble to pick the perfect pumpkin.
LEFT: Callen Brandmeir from Katie Praetzel's class proudly shows off his pumpkin pick. Additional photos appear on page A2. PRESS PHOTOS COURTESY ERICA SEITHER