Published October 30. 2021 02:12PM
There are three candidates seeking a two-year term on the South Whitehall Board of Commissioners.
They include Democrat Jamal Ahmed, Republican Brad Osborne and Libertarian Matthew C. Schutter.
The Press asked the candidates the following question.
What do you think the residents in your township are most concerned about and how would you deal with it if elected?
No responses were received from Ahmed and Schutter.
Brad Osborne
Runaway development.
The 2009 Comprehensive Plan, which I helped develop, called for the township to “assess the public’s view on farmland preservation and the use of taxpayer money to preserve more farms.” The Plan also asked the township to “consider a municipal farmland preservation program through the purchase of development rights.” Not only has no farmland been preserved since the plan was adopted over 10 years ago, but a subsequent board adopted Overlay District Zoning in 2014 that makes high-density development possible.
Overdevelopment can be addressed by strengthening current zoning requirements and evaluating the appropriateness of Overlay District Zoning.
Brad Osborne