Published October 28. 2021 01:18PM
PRESS PHOTO BY KATHY HASSICK The Royalty and the Homecoming Court gather at the Salisbury High School Stadium Oct. 23 for the Homecoming Dance. Court members include, left to right: Hunter Bleam, Anthony Scarcia, Tyler Utesch, Chase Fenstermaker, Royalty Ben Krauss and Emma Kichline, Quinn Whitman, Chase Watto, Chrystalis Herrera and Jillian Stockel. See additional photos on Page A12.
Ben Krauss and Emma Kichline are Homecoming Royalty for 2021.
Stepping out in remarkable style for the Homecoming Dance are Josiah Day and Desiree Nales.
PRESS PHOTOS BY KATHY HASSICK Zeke Wise and Mackenzie Ehrie enter the Salisbury High School stadium for the 2021 Homecoming Dance Oct. 23.