MUNICIPAL ELECTION 2021 Alburtis Borough
Published October 28. 2021 03:50PM
Democrat Kathleen Palmer is running unopposed for the office of mayor.
Chad David Atkins is running unopposed for tax collector.
There are four candidates for the office of council member: Democrats Stephen Nemeth, Kathleen Raines and Hector Vazquez and Republican Steven R. Hill. Voters will choose three.
What do you think the residents are most concerned about?
Democrat Stephen Nemeth Alburtis is a small community that has seen changes in recent years; becoming surrounded by growth and major construction. And while progress is important, we must make sure we hold on to our small town values. Children still play in our parks, families swim together in the community pool and visit the Alburtis Park band shell on summer nights. Holding onto these values while embracing partnerships with other community entities such as school district, small business owners, rec center and county officials; to ensure the citizens and their interests are being put first when it comes to the development in the community.
Democrat Kathleen Raines Concerns of our residents include truck traffic; outside of town, we have warehouses. The truck drivers use GPS and come in town. The GPS needs to be updated as some trucks causes damage. Other concerns include people exceeding the speed limit, infrastructure work, roads, sidewalks and trash collection.
Democrat Hector Vazquez During my tenure as councilman, I believe most residents are concerned with seeing change and effectiveness to addressing their issues, concerns and requests when it comes to improving our way of life while maintaining our community safe, prosperous and ever changing. Whether it be helping to address the ongoing issues with tractor trailers traveling through town and causing safety issues, to additional matters that can certainly have immediate resolution, residents would like to see immediate and effective change. We are an ever-growing, diverse, multi cultural community and growing borough that needs to continue to push forward and make things happen today and not tomorrow.
Republican Steven R. Hill I believe what the residents are most concerned about is to have a safe and affordable community to live in. I believe that myself, borough council and the mayor have provided that. We have the lowest tax rate of any borough in Lehigh County. One item that I am very proud of is we are a debt free borough. We also fund a full-time police force, which I believe the residents appreciate and approve of. I truly enjoy serving the borough of Alburtis and with the help of the voters, I hope to serve another four years.