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Trustee removed from Macungie Institute

MBI Pipeline Services (a division of Musson Brothers, Inc.) gave a short presentation about the sewer lateral project during the Oct. 18 Macungie Borough Council meeting. The cameras have determined where clean out is needed. The special pipe lining will be used. The digging involves a small hole, is non-invasive and approximately 450 homes are affected. This project is expected to be completed by May or June of 2022.

Macungie Institute issues continue. Interviews for a coordinator will be held soon.

There was a discussion about alleged bullying between certain members of the Macungie Institute Trustees. It was determined threats have been made to certain members. Council unanimously approved a motion to remove Greg Hutchison as a trustee to the Macungie Institute.

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Multi-Modal Grant was discussed for the Hickory Street Bridge and Church Street. The total cost for this project is $1,233,809; the grant is for $863,666. A resolution was proposed for the grant to replace the Hickory Street Bridge and reconstruct South Church Street. The resolution was approved unanimously.

As a part of this, a letter of commitment has to be filed. The 30 percent matching fund requirement is $370,143. This was all approved unanimously.

Mayor Ronald Conrad announced trick or treating will be held in Macungie 6-8 p.m. Oct. 31.

A resolution was approved for 2022 refuse and recycling rates. A resolution was also approved for disposition of municipal records.

An executive session was held regarding the search for a borough manager. The job description and objectives will be discussed.