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Preliminary/final plans approved for Buckeye Macungie Solar Land Development

During the Oct. 7 Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners meeting, the commissioners approved the preliminary/final plan for Buckeye Macungie Solar Land Development. After the conditional use hearing, the advertisement and other public notices, the project was approved unanimously by the commissioners.

The proposed project is along East Macungie Road, Tank Farm Road and Buckeye Road. It consists of 83.5 acres of what was farmland. The proposed site is bordering Buckeye Tank farms and an East Penn school.

An amendment to streets and sidewalks (Chapter 21) was approved. This involves maintenance obligations and removes duplicate regulations.

Attorney General Josh Shapiro sent a letter to state municipalities regarding the opioid crisis. In a settlement with three major drug companies who assisted in contributing to this crisis, a settlement was reached.

A response to accepting this settlement for individual cases is pending. The proposed settlement would be about $78 per person.

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry has approved certification renewal for workplace safety effective Sept. 30. This is granted under the Workmen’s Compensation Act.

A resident spoke of speeding along Macungie Road. His concern revolved around people who walk, ride bikes, take their children in strollers and others who are not driving vehicles. There is very little room as there is virtually no shoulder along this road. He mentioned cars driving at rates around 50 miles per hour and included other vehicles such as school buses.

The township will check on this and look into placing a speed board.

Several ordinances were approved for advertising. These ordinances include Chapter 7, Part 3 for key lock box systems, Chapter 10 for junk yard licenses and Chapter 21 for small wireless facilities within a right of way.

The Gehman Road bridge is moving along. Short term adjustments are being worked on with redesign of the bridge being considered. There was discussion on the spadefoot toad which should have no impact on the area.

Repairs for the Lower Macungie Township Community Center roof are being considered.

The fire hydrants in Stone Hill Meadows are to become public hydrants.