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Writer endorses Osborne, Kennedy, Hodges for S. Whitehall commissioner

To the Editor:

As a South Whitehall commissioner, I enthusiastically endorse Brad Osborne, David Kennedy and Monica Hodges for South Whitehall commissioner.

Brad, David and Monica have unquestionable integrity, exceptional leadership and a superior work ethic which will provide extraordinary benefits to township citizens.

South Whitehall Township is at a crossroads where strong leadership is required to set new direction that will build a positive future for all residents and businesses.

Brad, David and Monica will join me as commissioners to make transformative changes to improve the township.

We will reduce massive growth to a moderate level and promote farmland preservation.

Land development will comply with ordinances so that public safety is not jeopardized.

Township finances will have a positive balance and adequate reserves.

We will safeguard taxpayers’ money via strong cost control.

Statutory financial audits will be completed on schedule.

Fire, police and EMS will have the resources required to protect our families.

We will initiate long-overdue road improvements.

Open, transparent government is essential.

Vacant positions will be advertised with interviews held in an open forum.

The future of our township is at stake in this election.

Vote for change!

Vote for Brad Osborne, David Kennedy and Monica Hodges!

Michael Wolk

South Whitehall commissioner