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Couple supports Monica Hodges

To the Editor:

South Whitehall residents have you seen them? The signs are up! It’s time to elect more positive board members to our township board. Yes, our board!

We chose South Whitehall Township for our homes, for the schools and for its outstanding demographics.

Yes, we want commissioners who will listen to our concerns and help create a better township.

It is time to make our voices heard. As residents we should let the board of commissioners know we want to be heard!

Let’s put limits on the number of land developments, preserve our green space, protect our communities with the increase of resources for our volunteer fire houses.

Yes, our votes on Nov. 2 will be given to the candidates who practice accountability for their actions, believe in a transparent and open government, and ones who will listen to the residents.

We have found Monica Hodges, South Whitehall Concerned Citizens, to be well-informed and accessible.

Monica has been a constant advocate for positive changes needed at the board of commissioner’s level.

She has provided great insight to the over development of the townships green space and a refreshing outlook on what transparency means regarding our township commissioners.

Board meetings are twice a month. Make an effort to stop in and listen.

South Whitehall Township needs some fresh candidates who are there for the residents.

We, as residents, really need to make an effort for improvement in our township.

Tim and Jean Marie Rooney

South Whitehall