Published October 13. 2021 04:06PM
ABOVE: Aubri Hixon, Isabelle Mandic, Chloe Dionn and Emily Schmoyer show their school spirit by wearing their school T-shirts Sept. 24. Shirts were provided by the Salisbury Elementary School PTO with proceeds from the many fundraisers held throughout the year.
RIGHT: Alyana Cintron and Wyatt Liggitt model their school T-shirts. PRESS PHOTOS BY REBECCA FOEHRKOLB
Suet Tsui and Jackelyn Lema are pictured wearing their school T-shirts Sept. 24.
This year's Salisbury Elementary School T-shirt was designed by Lara Al-Bajjali. The process began in art class with art teacher Jackie Miller showing the class a picture of the Salisbury Falcon. Lara then tried to think of things that would add to that design and brainstorm ideas for what it should say. Lara really enjoys drawing and would like to be an artist when she grows up. Winning the T-shirt contest “means a lot” and she considers it an honor. ABOVE: Lara Al-Bajjali models the T-shirt she designed for the school.