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Fall events

100 annual Halloween parade

The Bethlehem Halloween Parade celebrates its 100th year two special divisions. Division 1 will be honoring our local healthcare workers with participation from our own Bethlehem Health Bureau, Lehigh Valley and St. Luke’s Health Networks, along with any other healthcare organizations that are interested in participating. Bethlehem Health Bureau Director Kristen Wenrich will be leading off the parade as our Grand Marshal. Division 6 (which is renamed “100”) will feature Liberty HS, Nitschmann MS, are also celebrating century milestones, the Hotel Bethlehem, and any other organization that is 100 years or older.

For more information, visit: bethlehem-pa.gov/Events/Recreation-Events/City-of-Bethlehem-100th-Annual-Halloween-Parade.

To register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfOfizfNFGMFtpb6O7rK_9JAt6HCML8kpttU3trNtguliVPOw/viewform