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Great Decisions 2021 - How and why history is weaponized

Knowing what really happened in the past is not as easy as it sounds. History is made more complex by those telling the story and what their agenda is. Dr. Brian Alnutt, professor of history at Northampton Community College, will explore the telling of history and the potential for political distortions and societal damage in his Zoom talk, “History Wars,” on Wednesday, Oct. 27 at 11 a.m.

“We cannot fully comprehend the structure of our country, the development of our shared culture or the origins of our liberties and civic responsibilities without examining the roads that led us here,” Dr. Alnutt concludes. This talk will address how students, historians and politicians sometimes interpret the events of the past to advance their political agendas.

This hour-long Zoom event introduces the 2022 Great Decisions Foreign Policy lecture series, which will begin Feb. 2 and run through March 23 at 11 a.m. via Zoom. The program is sponsored by the Bethlehem YWCA which conducts programs to empower women and girls, promote racial justice and provide senior care services.

Registration is required. To register and receive the link for this October Zoom talk, go to the top left corner of the web page, www@ywcabethlehem.org. For additional information, email adminassist@ywcabethlehem.org or call the YWCA at 610-867-4669, ext. 103, between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. Registration is required to receive the link.

Topics for the February-March 2022 Lehigh Valley Great Decisions lecture program include the following: Outer Space Policy, Climate Change, Russia and the USA, Myanmar and ASEAN, The Quad Alliance, Changing Demographics, Drug Policy in Latin America, Industrial Policy and Biden’s Agenda.