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EHS eases back into the school year with Homecoming, clubs and more

Editor’s Note: We welcome our new Hornet Happenings columnist Emma Dela Cruz. She is a sophomore at Emmaus High School. She says a good portion of her time is dedicated to school; she is involved in The Stinger (EHS newspaper), Habitat for Humanity and Interact Club. She plays the piano and plays tennis. In her free time, she enjoys watching movies, eating, cooking, shopping, reading and writing. She hopes to one day pursue a career in the medical field.

As the 2021-2022 school year approaches its two-month mark, normalcy slowly regains its place in the lives of Emmaus High School’s students with the return of clubs, events and sports.

The Young Republicans Club hosted its first meeting Sept. 7 in Room 518. Further meetings will take place on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Snacks are provided at each meeting. More information is available on the “Daily Announcements” section of the EHS website.

Similarly, the Young Democrats Club hosted its first meeting Sept. 15 in Room 533. Further meeting dates vary by week and can also be checked on the EHS website.

All are welcome to discuss politics and social issues at either of these clubs.

EHS’s World Language Department offers the Spanish Club, Latin Club, German Club and French Club. Language, history, cultural foods and events are among the topics discussed at these meetings. Details for each language club are available on the EHS website.

PSAT testing will be held at EHS Oct. 16. Registration began Sept. 20 in the counseling offices and will run until test spots sell out. There is a cost for the test with masks required for both registration and testing.

For students taking AP classes, AP exam sign ups are open now through Nov. 3. There is a cost and students may sign up at the counseling offices. Students must be in the AP classroom through collegeboard.org before signing up. For assistance in exam costs or signing up for the AP classroom, contact your school counselor.

The 2021 Homecoming Dance will be held 6-9 p.m. Oct. 9. Via COVID-19 precautions, the dance will be held in the East Penn School District Stadium. To protect the stadium’s turf, flat-soled shoes such as sneakers or sandals must be worn. Heels may be worn to the dance but must be removed before setting foot on the turf.

Ticket sales for the dance run through Oct. 8 during all lunches outside the cafeteria doors. If you plan on bringing a guest to the dance, guest forms are available on the East Penn School District website, as well as outside Rooms 442 and 537.

In addition, the Homecoming Tailgate will be held 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Oct. 15 at the outdoor basketball courts, followed by the Homecoming Football Game beginning 7:05 p.m.

The next boys varsity football game is scheduled for Oct. 8 against Liberty High School at the Bethlehem Area School District Stadium.