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Council talks trash, traffic

On Spet. 22, council voted in favor of the police department selling an old cruiser on Municibid, and announced that there will be a new mattress trash bag program for residents to discard old mattresses. The bag would allow sanitation workers to pick up old mattresses without the danger of bedbugs and other contagions. The bags are only big enough for mattresses. Residents will need two bags to discard both a box spring and mattress. Council will decide later if the bags will be given away or sold for a nominal fee.

A Fountain Hill resident wrote to council to suggest that Moravia Street be one-way during school pick-up and drop-off times from the elementary school to help with congestion. “This won’t work,” Mayor Carolee Gifford stated. “I live on Moravia Street.” The mayor suggested setting up a meeting with the principal of the school to help resolve the issue. All the council members agreed.

Council President Norman Blatt announced the position of zoning clerk, an administrative assistant role, is open. The position pays $15 an hour and is part-time at 20 hours a week. The meeting dismissed early for an executive session.

Press photo by Lakisha Bonnell Fountain Hill Borough Council meets twice a month in Borough Hall located at 941 Long Street in Fountain Hill.