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Salisbury recreation reviews summer events

On Sept. 20, the Salisbury Township Recreation Advisory Committee met to discuss the many community events which have taken place in the township.

Franko Park was the site of two movie nights this summer. “Ghostbusters” was shown June 25 but unfortunately it was not well attended.

After initially being rained out and rescheduled, “Raya and the Last Dragon” was shown Sept. 17 with 100 people in attendance. Recreation Director Genny Baillie remarked because school was in session, the September movie night was posted on the district website and it may have contributed to the positive turnout.

Another successful event took place July 20 when 127 Salisbury residents gathered at CocaCola Park to watch the IronPigs beat the Worcester Red Sox. National Night Out was held Aug. 3 and it too was very well attended.

Despite a rainy day Sept. 5, the band AM Radio played songs from the 60s and 70s to a crowd of 100 at Franko Park.

Chair Mark Wilson, who attended the event, reported people seemed to genuinely enjoy the music.

Two food trucks were on hand with food for purchase. Lord of the Grills provided dinner fare while Angels on Wheels satisfied the sweet tooth. Franko Park proved to be an excellent venue for these types of events and committee members discussed the possibility of having two music/food events next summer.

Committee member Frank McCullough reminded all Christmas is only 12 1/2 weeks away. Baillie took this as an opportunity to discuss the plans for a tree lighting ceremony in 2022.

“Unfortunately, it will not be feasible to do it this year because we do not have a large enough tree,” Baillie said. However, plans are in the works.

It was decided Franko Park will be the site of an annual tree lighting ceremony going forward. Geographically, it is near the middle of the township and it has adequate parking and a large area for gathering. The idea is to budget for the purchase of a large tree that would then be planted at the park. Decorations and lights will be purchased as the tree grows.

In other news, Director of Public Works Jim Levernier and his crew have been hard at work throughout the township. Laubach Park has seen bathrooms refurbished with new porcelain fixtures, fresh paint, new lighting and electricity has been restored. This fall the tennis courts are set to be power washed and overlaid with two pickle ball courts. The courts can then be used for both tennis and pickle ball.

Over the summer months Lindberg Park has seen a lot of activity. Fallen trees have now been cleared and crews are busy replacing them. McCullough noted the ball fields look like they are in need of attention. He went on to say that even during the offseason the ball fields should continue to be maintained. The committee is looking into this. Also coming this October will be the installation of large swings.

Some anticipated improvements are coming to both Devonshire and Green Acres parks in 2022. Pending approval from the commissioners, the Devonshire tennis courts are to be resurfaced and the fencing will be replaced. The bathrooms will be refurbished similar to improvements made to Laubach Park. Green Acres Park will see the possible resurfacing of the upper courts and the installation of four pickle ball courts.

Park inspections will be conducted this spring to get ready for the 2022 schedule of events. The committee hopes to kick off spring by bringing back the Easter Egg Hunt after a two year hiatus.