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Salisbury High School outlines dual enrollment program

On Sept. 23, a meeting was held for parents of Salisbury High School students who are interested in the dual enrollment program. SHS counselors Mike Anderson and Allison Moyer explained the school’s partnership with Moravian University and Seton Hall. Dual enrollment is generally offered to 11th and 12th grade students although 10th grade students may enroll with administrator approval.

Dual enrollment is a way for high school students to earn college credits at a significantly reduced tuition rate. There are several courses which have been approved for dual enrollment and each is taught by a SHS faculty member.

Oct. 1 is the cut off date to apply for this program.

If unable to attend the meeting and information is needed, go to the SHS website under services and select guidance. A PowerPoint presentation is online as well as details for each university.

Parents and guardians are encouraged to call the counseling office with further questions.

Salisbury High School counselors Allison Moyer and Mike Anderson lead the dual enrollment program for parents and guardians Sept. 23. PRESS PHOTOS BY KATHY HASSICK
An audience of parents and guardians learn about the dual enrollment program at Salisbury High School with Moravian University and Seton Hall.