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Salisbury High School hosts open house

PRESS PHOTOS BY KATHY HASSICK Principal Heather Morningstar and math teacher James Hahn offer assistance to a parent during the Salisbury High School open house Sept. 23. Additional photos appear on Page A7.
English teacher Anne Schneider welcomes parents back to school.
Student helpers hand out schedules for parents and guardians. From left to right: James Stallard, Carver Moyer, Tristan Monahan, Maisie Oliver and Gabriella Lozada are ready to assist.
Kelly Gerencher from the Center for Humanistic Change shows how drugs and other substances can be hidden in common items. The center set up a mock bedroom in an effort to educate parents about what to look for.
ABOVE: English teacher Kelly Butterbaugh outlines expectations to succeed in English.
RIGHT: Teacher Jonathan Ruiz is happy to speak with parents about what is to come in his math classes. PRESS PHOTOS BY KATHY HASSICK
LEFT: Teacher Megan Basile takes time to outline the many topics she will cover in science.
BELOW: Teacher Michael Barna discusses with parents how he will make history interesting for his students.