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Paragon Transit to be sold to Levy School Bus

A special meeting was held Sept. 1 by the Salisbury Township School District Board of Directors.

Chief Financial Officer Michael Taylor introduced Russ Leibensperger and Warren Levy Jr. who attended the special meeting.

Leibensperger has an agreement of sale with Levy to sell Paragon Transit to Levy School Bus Company. This transfer of ownership needed to be approved by the school board. The district was told they should not see any changes in service. Leibensperger is slated to remain on as a consultant. Taylor and Superintendent of Schools Lynn Fuini-Hetten met with Leibensperger and Levy and said they are pleased with the transition and the continuity.

Levy said his family has been around since 1927 and he grew up in the bus industry. He said he feels this is a good partnership.

The board thanked Leibensperger for all his years of service and approved the “Consent to Assignment of Agreement” with board member David Hadinger absent. The motion carried.

In other business, the following personnel changes have been approved.

Mary Pope resigned as a building substitute at Salisbury Middle School effective Sept. 1.

The board accepted the retirement of Elizabeth Wolk as a part-time ESL teacher at Salisbury Elementary School effective Nov. 1.

They also accepted the resignation of Robin Burns, library media teacher at Salisbury High School effective Oct. 22, holding 60 days unless a replacement is hired before this date.

Alexis Bove was approved, pending completion of requirements, as a part-time (49 percent) school counselor at SES and SMS effective Sept. 16, at the 1M step of the 2021-2022 teachers’ approved contractual salary schedule. Bove replaces Sharon Stokes who was recalled as a fourth grade teacher.

Kelly Brightbill was approved as a four hour a day part-time instructional assistant at SMS effective Sept. 7.

Lauren Zielinski was approved for the building substitute position at SES through Dec. 23.

Ryan Yurchick was approved, pending completion of requirements, as assistant principal at SHS, with a start date to be determined, at a prorated salary of $92,000.

Lastly, Steven Huegel was approved as a full-time utility maintenance worker at SHS effective Sept. 1.