Superintendent clarifies district’s mask policy
Northwestern Lehigh School District Superintendent Jennifer L. Holman provided the following message Sept. 13 on face coverings to the school community via the district Web page:
“I have been asked by the Northwestern Lehigh School Board of Directors to send a message clarifying the district’s position in regard to the Face Covering Order for School Entities from the Acting Secretary of the Department of Health that was established on Aug. 31 and went into effect on Sept. 7.
“The district has implemented this order and will follow the requirements for our students, staff and visitors.”
Penalties and liabilities
“The Pennsylvania Department of Education has provided the district with a list of financial implications to the district, penalty provisions for violation of the Disease Prevention and Control Law, as well as personal and professional liability related to willful misconduct, with no indemnification or protection, associated with not complying with the order.
“After consulting with the district’s legal counsel and understanding the liability and financial penalties for both the district and individual board members, it is the board’s position compliance with the order is required.”
“Since the order was enacted, the district received several communications from the Pennsylvania Departments of Health and Education that provide guidance on how to carry out the order and further defines what constitutes an “exemption” from the order.
“It is a requirement of the order that ‘all alternatives to a face covering have been exhausted’ before considering the process for an exemption.
“The district will follow established procedures as detailed by the Pennsylvania Departments of Health and Education for all medical exemption requests, per the order.
“There are exceptions outlined in the order, but a parent’s opposition to the order is not permitted.
“The order does not allow for parent requests to opt-out.
“The order further describes requirements for exemption. We will not accept blanket exemptions nor will we accept exemptions that are not specific to the child or a specific medical need.
“Our building principals will provide the exemption forms and the process after alternatives to a face covering have been exhausted.
“All requests will be considered in accordance with eligibility requirements under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act for medical or mental health conditions or disabilities.
“All exemption forms must be completed by a licensed physician (M.D. or D.O.) who has examined your child and can describe the medical or mental health condition or disability that precludes the wearing of a face covering ...”
The Health and Safety Plan
“ ... The Health and Safety Plan, as last revised on Sept. 3 is available on our NWLSD COVID-19 page.
“Our district will continue to utilize face covering breaks we implemented last school year as well as other mitigation strategies outlined in the plan.”
Working together as a community
“I sincerely hope this message articulates the mandate, as well as the severity of the consequences for our failure to fully comply.
“Despite these challenges, our goal remains the same; take the necessary steps to keep our schools open while implementing a layered mitigation strategy that creates a safe learning environment for our students and staff.
“We are asking our school community to come together to support us in achieving this goal for our children.
“The COVID pandemic has taken much from our nation, our community and our district over the past 20 months.
“Let us not allow it to steal from us the strong threads of mutual respect, understanding, compassion and shared values that for generations have formed the precious tapestry of the Northwestern Lehigh Community.
“WE cannot allow these unprecedented times to rob us of those things that make this district so very special.
“Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we continue to navigate through these unprecedented times.”