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Football team returns entire O-line

Salisbury football is coming off an underwhelming 3-5 record in 2020 but will look to improve that record in the upcoming season. The Falcons will have plenty of opportunities as this season they will be playing a full 10-game schedule instead of the shortened and modified schedule they played last season.

The team was left with two big holes coming into this season after the graduation of the quarterback-receiver duo of Quintin Stephens and Chad Parton, but the Falcons have players ready to step up.

Junior Nick Beck will be stepping in at quarterback this season. Beck started at receiver in 2020 but had been getting practice reps at quarterback throughout the season. He is now sliding into the quarterback role and will be looking to connect with the receiving corps that he used to be a part of.

The receiver Beck will likely be connecting with the most is junior Josh Brooks. Brooks had the second-most receiving yards on the team in 2020 and will be stepping into the number one receiver role in 2021.

These two will be aided by the offensive line which is made up entirely of returning seniors. Brandon Brotzman, Ben Krauss, Anthony Scarcia, Paul Spann and Josh Back will all be returning to the trenches and will be tasked with protecting Beck.

“One thing that is really positive for our team is that our offensive line is returning,” said head coach Andy Cerco.

Cerco also had high praises for the line beyond the positive impacts its performance on the field brings.

“They definitely are our team leaders; they’re really putting the team in the right direction,” he said.

With the help of the leadership from the offensive line Cerco wants this Falcons team to be elite, but not exactly in the way many might think.

“One of our team standards is for them to be elite,” said Cerco. “People hear that and are like ‘They think they’re better than everyone.’ That’s not the case at all. To us elite is being the best version of yourself.”

Along with pushing the team to be elite, Cerco also is pushing the team to focus on discipline, specifically doing things the right way and making the right decisions.

This focus on discipline is something that may have had a big impact on the Falcons’ special teams.

“Our special teams are in the right place right now,” Cerco said. “We’re doing a solid job with technique on special teams and getting people on and off the field.”

With these improvements on special teams, a returning offensive line, and players looking to prove themselves in their new roles this team could be set to make some noise this fall.

PRESS PHOTO BY MIKE HAINES The 2021 Salisbury High School football team.