AIDSNET, Bethlehem needs community members & professionals (lawyer, CPA, clergy, physician, etc.) who live in Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe, Northampton or Schuylkill County to join our board of directors and help oversee our organization’s mission of building healthier communities by planning and funding HIV/AIDS Care and Prevention Services in those six counties. All meetings are held every other month at our Bethlehem office. Contact Vickey McKinzey-Gonzalez, 610-882-1119, executive.director@aidsnetpa.org.
HISPANIC CENTER LEHIGH VALLEY, Bethlehem, serves Seniors who did not grow up surrounded by the internet who seek to learn how to operate computers and tablets onsite, and surf the internet to read, watch videos or listen to music, among many other things. A volunteer is needed for one hour at 11 a.m. and/or 1 p.m. Sept. 23, to teach a group of 25 seniors. Contact Liza Perez, 610-868-7800, lizaperezleon@hclv.org.
SHARECARE FAITH IN ACTION, Bethlehem needs many volunteers to help with taking non-Covid-19 clients to their vital appointments. All volunteers will have to attend on-line orientation, provide criminal background check and proof of insurance. KN95 facemasks an sanitizer wipes provided to volunteers. All clients will sit in back seat and wear a facemask as well. Call Lynn Heiney, 610-867-2177, sharecare8@aol.com.
PEDIATRIC CANCER FOUNDATION OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY is seeking volunteers for our Ready, Set, GOLD Run/Walk Sept. 18 at the Ironton Rail Trail in Coplay. Opportunities exist throughout the morning and tasks include manning the water stations, raffle ticket sales, course monitors and more. Contact Tracy, 484-221-9294, tracy@pcflv.org. Click here for signup genius. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0E4FAFAA29A0FE3-2021
VOLUNTEER CENTER OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY YOUTH VOLUNTEER COUNCIL is inviting students in the Greater Lehigh Valley entering grades 9-12 to the Youth Council. Meetings occur monthly and offer volunteer opportunities on the weekends and after school year-round. Application available at https://www.volunteerlv.org/youth-council or contact Julie Huber, julie@volunteerlv.org.
THE CENTER FOR ANIMAL HEALTH AND WELFARE, Easton, is seeking volunteers to walk dogs, assist with a.m. cleanings, attend off site events to promote the shelter, cat and dog enrichment and general shelter help. If interested in helping, please contact Walt Hoffman at 610-252-7722 ext 4 or email cahwvolunteercoordinator@rcn.com.
Volunteer Center to receive a brochure listing agencies in need of volunteers at 610-807-0336 or e-mail: vc@volunteerlv.org. Visit our website www.volunteerlv.org for a larger listing of volunteer opportunities.