Published August 19. 2021 05:12PM
The Justin Sheftel Memorial Fund will host its third annual golf outing noon Sept. 24 at the Berkleigh Golf Club, 14623 Kutztown Road, Kutztown.
The tournament will be a four-person Scramble format.
Course games will include a 50/50, Mulligans, Close to the Pin and Long Drive and first and second place prizes.
The player fee includes carts, appetizers, and opportunities for prizes.
Beer and wine can be purchased at the restaurant.
All current CDC guidelines for COVID-19 will be followed. No mask required, if fully vaccinated.
Participants not fully vaccinated must wear a mask.
Participants must register by Sept. 17.
To register, contact Kyle Zinkler at or text 610-462-4732.
Payment can be made by check to Justin Sheftel Memorial Fund, 3632 Oakwood Trail, Allentown, PA 18103 or Venmo.
Venmo user name is justinsheftelfund.
For information, go to