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New parking ordinance passed in Alburtis

During a recent meeting, Alburtis Borough Council carried a motion to approve Ordinance No. 567 that reduces the number of on-street parking.

Previously, this ordinance allowed one parking spot for every two employees and one for every three seats for customers.

The new ordinance provides one space for every five employees and one space for every 20 seats.

While the ordinance does cover C1 district parking, Borough Solicitor Dave Knerr acknowledged it is not district exclusive.

“It’s not a C1 limited issue,” Knerr said. “It is any restaurant, night club, bar room, lunch counter – the requirements [are] for them ... anywhere in the borough where there would be a permitted restaurant, bar, lunch counter.”

Moving forward, Borough Manager Sharon Trexler advised council the borough hall parking lot needs to be fixed. She explained maintenance supervisor Donnie Derr estimates it won’t cost more than $5,000 to $6,000.

“Just patch it up,” council member Vanessa Taggart said. “I wouldn’t dig it up and redo it.”

Council agreed to have maintenance workers patch and seal areas needing to be fixed in the lot for the estimated cost.

In other news, Trexler informed council the borough received $2,000 from the Lehigh Valley Main Street grant to purchase new banners. Trexler believes they may cost around $100 to $150.

Council adjourned the council meeting to move into an executive session regarding personnel.