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Police department gets equipment grant

North Catasauqua Borough Council met Aug. 2 in the basement of borough hall.

Police Chief Christopher Wolfer reported the police department will receive a $31,200 grant for new Tasers. The grant was applied for in 2020.

Unfortunately, the price for Tasers has increased since that time, and the department is now short about $6,000 for the order. They managed to negotiate the price down slightly and have agreed the excess cost of $3,150, which is still not covered by the grant, can be paid next year once it is worked into the department’s budget.

On behalf of the emergency management department, Roger Scheirer reported the property at 506 Green St. has had numerous complaints about high grass and a strong odor. The owner has been sent a notice about the grass, with a seven-day warning.

Scheirer also announced two members who had decided to leave the fire department have since asked to return. Scheirer clarified neither member had ever officially left the department, but rather they just stopped showing up to calls for a time.

Scheirer also announced a junior member was suspended for 30 days for a driving incident. This was reportedly his third incident, and the police had to become involved.

“Rules are set in place, and they are going to be applied,” Scheirer said of the incident.

Council President Peter Paone informed council the start date on construction at Green and Main streets for the Main Street storm sewer project has been pushed back to October. Construction was originally intended to be underway by this point, but due to issues with the manufacturers of the manhole covers needed for the project, the start has been delayed.

The borough will host a virtual public meeting 7 p.m. Aug. 5 to discuss an upcoming connectivity study in North Catasauqua. The aim is to improve the walkability and bicycle access throughout town.

Tasha Jandrisovitz, borough secretary, reported seven more homes have been sold in phase two of the development at Willowbrook.

The recreation committee’s summer concerts at the park will continue with performances by 99 Stringz 7 p.m. Aug. 11; Easton Band 7 p.m. Aug. 23, followed by wiffle ball championships 8 p.m. and an ice cream social; and Steel Creek 7 p.m. Sept. 16.

Councilwoman Cherie Gebhardt, of the recreation committee, responded to complaints that concerts in North Catasauqua often happen simultaneously with concerts at Catasauqua Park and Playground. She clarified this is not done with the intention of competing with Catasauqua.

“When the entertainer is available is when we put a concert on at the park,” Gebhardt said.

Paone asked borough Solicitor Steven Goudsouzian to begin the process of putting the property at 408 Buttonwood St. up for sheriff’s sale. There had been some interest from neighbors in purchasing the property, but all of them turned away after hearing of an approximate $90,000 lien of it.

Paone does not anticipate the borough will ever be able to recuperate the costs on the property and thinks it should be sold before the maintenance costs any more.

Umbriac Trucking, the contractor currently working on the trailhead access road project behind the borough’s Main Street municipal complex, has been granted a 36-day extension on the contract. The project was originally planned for an Aug. 2 completion but has been moving along slowly with several sections requiring do-overs, so the project will need more time.

Borough council next meets 7 p.m. Sept. 7.