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Atlas Cement Company Memorial Museum receives donation

At the July 15 Northampton Borough Council meeting, it was reported the Atlas Cement Company Memorial Museum received a contribution of $2,000 from the Holcim Group.

The Atlas museum chronicles the growth and development of the cement industry in Northampton and provides a testament to the numerous Austrian-Hungarians, Germans and other immigrants who arrived in Northampton around the turn of the 20th century and helped build the cement industry and Northampton Borough.

In other business, there is a meeting with U.S. Congresswoman Susan Wild, D-7th, planned to discuss how her office can assist the borough with future initiatives. The date is to be determined.

Borough Manager LeRoy Brobst, in his report, said he planned to meet with Dan Bauer of Lafayette University to review the recent report and recommendations to Northampton about borough issues such as Main Street development, employment and education trends and other topical issues.

It was reported the Northampton Community Days, held July 7-10, was very successful, with the exception of Thursday when the festivities were rained out.

The Northampton Exchange Club, which sponsors the event, was most appreciative for the cooperation they received from the police and public works departments.

One resident said this year’s fireworks display was the best they’ve ever held in Northampton.

The fireman’s parade was a success, as it added to the Northampton Community Days festivities and also provided residents the opportunity thank the fire department for all its members do throughout the year for Northampton residents.

Brobst also reported the Northampton Municipal Swimming Pool sales have been quite strong.

In a code and police report, it was noted the code enforcement officer was recently dispatched to an alleged rodent-infested property in the 2000 block of Dewey Avenue.

An administrative warrant was obtained for code enforcement to legally conduct a search of the property in question with a police officer present. Neither the code nor police officers entered the house due to perceived structural shortcomings.

The property owner has 15 days to have the property evaluated by an engineer for structural issues.

An exterminator placed vermin traps on the property.

The public works supervisor and the borough manager met with UGI regarding repairs needed on borough streets, including Main Street. UGI said it will complete all necessary street repairs and bear all costs associated with the repairs.

Brobst reported he met with Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Norfolk Southern and the Public Utility Commission regarding the rail crossing on the borough side of the Northampton-Cementon Bridge. It was relayed this intersection will be closed to both vehicular and rail traffic for about 72 hours after the bridge is replaced.

The borough zoning hearing board voted unanimously to grant an appeal of a property owner at 108 Frank Drive seeking a variance to the side and rear yard setbacks to install a swimming pool.

The borough’s planning commission is considering granting preliminary and possible final plan review to a developer who wants to construct one single home, 12 duplexes and 14 town homes on property located on Sipos Drive.

Northampton Borough Council next meets 7:30 p.m. Aug. 5 at the municipal building, 1401 Laubach Ave.