Vendor applications accepted for fall festival
The Lower Milford Board of Supervisors met July 15 and began by reviewing the June minutes.
Supervisor John Quigley commented his statements from the May meeting about the township secretary were excluded from the previous month’s minutes and he “did not appreciate being censored.”
Following this exchange, the minutes were approved with an abstention from Quigley. The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Quigley did not approve the treasurer’s report because he lacked confidence all the numbers were correct.
In the administrator’s report, Emily Fucci reported Lower Milford will receive $421,502 in funding from the American Rescue Plan Act. The payments will come in two payments of $210,751.
Fucci is still awaiting information about where all the funds can be allocated. She hopes to find out soon.
The fall festival and the work behind the scenes were highlighted in the secretary’s report. Lower Milford is now accepting vendor applications for the festival. Information can be found on the Lower Milford website.
The ambulance report showed only one call was made from Lower Milford Township in the month of June. The ambulance report also highlighted their response time for the year. Their average response time was 23 minutes per call.
In the fire company report, the representative stated the company received a $24,000 grant this past month. Grant money, plus any other types of funding, is necessary to help pay for all the upcoming expenses.
The company is hoping to purchase a new truck and equipment. The representative stated the company was applying for a forestry grant for $25,000 as well. The rep said the fire company’s online hoagie sales are doing very well as their primary fundraiser. The sale can be found on the Lower Milford Fire Company website.
Job description updates were the first item in old business. There were no changes in responsibilities. The updates made were specific skills and detailed responsibilities added to various roles in the township. Quigley did not approve the new responsibilities, specifically to the secretary position. He felt the position was filled with “fluff” job tasks. The updates were approved following a lengthy discussion.
The supervisors decided to stop waiving the third quarter late fees for the wastewater treatment plant. They said enough time has gone by and only a couple of people have yet to make payments.
In new business, there was an appeal for a special exception for solar and a request came in for fire police assistance for the Allentown Puerto Rican Day Parade.
Before the next item on the agenda could be addressed, Quigley raised the issue of an upcoming 2022 lawsuit for the township and how he was not involved in the litigation. Quigley pushed Solicitor Mark Cappuccio to answer questions about the case, but Cappuccio stated he will not discuss this at a public meeting. After his statements about the board and the backstabbing, Quigley walked out because the solicitor would not answer his questions or talk about the case.
After he left, the meeting moved on to the final items.
A letter of interest was received from John Bannon for the planning commission. All applicants will be considered after the planning commission’s first meeting in August.
There were no public comments.
The August meeting will be held 6:30 p.m. Aug. 19. The meeting occurs in person only at the Lower Milford Township building, 7607 Chestnut Hill Church Road, Coopersburg.