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Moore board discusses proposed warehouses

Discussion at the July 7 Moore Township Board of Supervisors meeting centered on proposed warehouses.

The meeting was attended by a large number of interested residents. A preliminary sketch of two warehouses, potentially residing on the Southmoore Golf Course, details large warehouses. The proposed warehouses are suggested by a developer of Water’s Edge at Wind Gap LLC.

There have been mixed feelings regarding warehouse developments in the area.

Township Solicitor David Backenstoe will revisit the township’s zoning ordinances relating to warehouse development. Township Manager Nicholas Steiner said the warehouse timetable may take well over a year to complete if the two projects are approved.

In other matters, the board approved the purchase of a police car for about $47,000.

The public works department received approval to purchase a tractor/mower for the recreation center.

The historical commission will hold an OctoberFest event Oct. 14. Proceeds will benefit the Edelman School.

Thomas Roberts was appointed to the land and environmental protection board. The board meets Sept. 13 for a Wildlands Conservancy presentation.

Lisa Green was appointed to the Community Days Committee, and Zachery Zeitner was appointed to the zoning hearing board.

Backenstoe will draft an ordinance restricting traffic, based on data from the Dell Road traffic study. The goal is to keep truck traffic off secondary roads.

Backenstoe drafted an ordinance regarding bamboo. Bamboo may be grown within an enclosed barrier. Bamboo is considered a nuisance plant because of its uncontrollable spread.

Ordinance 2021-02, regarding livestock, was passed. Call the township for a copy of the ordinance, which focuses on safety.

A 27-acre preserved farm - the Herd property - is being sold. Bids are due by 3 p.m. Aug. 2. Contact the township office for information.

Steiner reported the application for the $900,000-plus the township will receive from the American Rescue Plan was completed. Steiner said half of the funds will arrive this year, with the other half in 2022.

The next meeting is set for 6 p.m. Aug. 3.