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Allen supervisors review winter traffic services agreement

The Allen Township Board of Supervisors discussed the renewal of the winter traffic services agreement with Pennsylvania Department of Transportation at the June 22 meeting.

Renewal of the agreement is an issue that faces the board every five years. Allen Township performs winter maintenance on PennDOT roads in exchange for monetary compensation.

Compensation is based on the road’s classification and length in miles, with provisions for severe weather events. Since the last renewal of the contract in 2016, the township received about $110,000 from PennDOT.

Currently, the township performs winter maintenance on Indian Trail, Cherryville, Howertown, Old Carriage, Weaversville, Kreidersville and Seemsville roads.

One point of discussion was taking Seemsville Road out of the contract. In the previous contract renewal, the township removed part of the road that was in Moore Township from the contract.

Seemsville Road is the municipal boundary between Allen and East Allen townships, which means the public works crew is plowing into East Allen.

The board also discussed some areas on which it would like clarity. For example, township Manager Ilene Eckhart wanted to clarify who is supposed to perform maintenance on the roads when the wind causes snow drifts after a winter storm, even days later. Ice forming on the road, whether it be from rain or refrozen melted snow, was also brought up as an area that needed clarification.

All board members seemed to be in favor of renewing the agreement, with some division on what to do with Seemsville Road in terms of the contract.

Ultimately, the board took a preliminary vote to let PennDOT know it would like to renew the agreement but would like those clarifications.

Once the board receives this information, members will take a final vote on the matter at the next meeting. The final decision does not need to be made until July 31.

The board of supervisors meet again 7 p.m. July 27 in the fire company building, 3530 Howertown Road. The Allen Township Planning Commission will meet 7 p.m. July 16, also in the fire company building.