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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Financial debts erasure

Lehigh Carbon Community College has erased the financial debt of 1,065 students using nearly $1.1 million in federal coronavirus relief funds. The college received these funds through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act and used them to help students with overdue bills or unpaid tuition balances.

This one-time initiative was designed to help students get back on their feet and continue to meet their educational goals. Students interested in enrolling in the fall semester Aug. 21 and who need help with tuition or have semergency needs are encouraged to apply for available emergency grants. For information, visit www.lccc.edu/about-lccc/news/lccc-provides-emergency-funds-for-students-imp-(1)).

CRRSAA funds were automatically applied to pay off student debt over the past year; students were not required to apply for the funds. The funds were available to students who either had their accounts sent to collections or before that happened, allowing them to re-enroll for classes. Normally, students can’t re-enroll if they have an outstanding debt with the college.

Students who have still unmet needs or need to set up a payment plan for their tuition and fees should contact the bursar1@mymail.lccc.edu or call 610-799-1157. The college maintains a debt relief policy for students who have challenges with tuition bills. For information, visit lccc.edu/tuition-financial-aid/academic-debt-relief-policy.

Northampton Community College

FSFSA sessions set

Northampton Community College is hosting on-campus Federal Application for Federal Student Aid completion overview and financial aid sessions. The Bethlehem campus sessions are throughout July. New and returning students will be given hands-on assistance with completing the financial aid application process in one of the computer labs.

Visit info.northampton.edu/fafsacompletion for information and to sign up. For general questions, call 610-861-5300 or email adminfo@northampton.edu.

All Access events July 14

Northampton Community College in-person events are now available to get help with applications, meet with different departments, discover resources, learn about ways to get involved on campus, and for campus tours.

These All-Access Admissions events will be held at the Bethlehem Campus from 10 a.m. to noon on July 14. Fall classes start Aug. 30. RSVP online at info.northampton.edu/ncc-all-access. For questions, call 610-861-5300 or email adminfo@northampton.edu.

McGann selected as associate vice president

Northampton Community College has name Robert McGann as associate vice president of enrollment management effective July 26. He will lead the Admissions, Financial Aid, Records, Registration and Bursar’s offices to attract students for the colleges four schools, two campuses (Bethlehem Township and Monroe County) and 115 degree programs. He was the former director of Admissions and Assistant Vice President of Student and Academic Services at the University of New Hampshire.