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Wolf signs new law amending ‘Sunshine Act’

Gov. Tom Wolf has signed Senate Bill B554, sponsored by Sen. Pat Stefano, R-32nd, to amend the Sunshine Act, known as the “Open Meetings Law.”

The amendment requires state government agencies, local municipalities and school districts to post an agenda online no later than 24 hours before the start of a public meeting.

“The opportunity to review an agenda before a public meeting is a positive step toward increasing government accountability and citizen participation,” Office of Open Records Executive Director Liz Wagenseller said. “Access to timely and relevant information is crucial to promoting open and knowledgeable dialogue between citizens and government officials, and we look forward to the continued work of the legislature to improve government responsiveness and transparency.”

Under the Right to Know Law, the Office of Open Records is required to offer training on the Sunshine Act.

A webinar on the Sunshine Act, including the newly enacted SB554, will be presented 10 a.m. July 14.

The webinar is free and can be accessed at openrecords.pa.gov.