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Board honors Sniscak


Special to The Press

At Richard Sniscak’s last meeting as superintendent of the Parkland School District, the board and other well-wishers honored him for his contributions to young people, public education, district staff and the community.

On behalf of state Sen. Pat Browne, R-16th, Ellen Kern presented a proclamation to Sniscak and sang a song, “There is No One Quite Like Rich.”

After that appealing entertainment, Kern said, “Thank you for all of your service and we wish you the best of whatever life has to offer you.”

Kathy McQuilken, from the office of state Rep. Gary Day, R-187th, delivered a citation from the state House of Representatives recognizing Sniscak’s exemplary record of service to the students and staff in the school district.

Sniscak arrived at Parkland in 1994 when he was hired as head football coach at the high school.

The following year he took on the role of athletic director while still continuing as football coach.

In 2009, Sniscak became assistant superintendent and, in 2011, he was appointed superintendent.

Former board member and president, Roberta Marcus, was present to extend her gratitude to Sniscak for making the school district a better place for students and the community.

Solicitor Steven Miller noted he communicated with Sniscak nearly every day as the district’s legal adviser.

“He’s a wonderful person to work with,” Miller said. “He always wants to do what is right.”

Board member Bob Bold recalled he and Sniscak were both products of the Allentown School District and both were teachers there.

“I have had the honor and privilege to know Richard Sniscak longer than anyone else in this room,” Bold said. “I’d like to thank him for the many kids’ lives he has touched in his lifetime.’

Board member Patrick Foose stated he liked Sniscak’s collaborative style, and Rob Cohen noted the superintendent always gave credit for accomplishments to the shared efforts of the board, staff, and students, not himself.

Board member Carol Facchiano said Sniscak provided a thorough orientation for every newly elected person, something which she really appreciated.

Facchiano added her children benefited from Sniscak’s leadership when they were attending Parkland schools.

She noted the superintendent’s job continues 24/7 as issues can arise at any hour of the day or week.

“Now, he’ll have time for his family,” Facchiano said.

As a parting gift, the board presented a wooden captain’s chair to Sniscak engraved with his name and the Parkland logo.

Sniscak took a look back on his time at Parkland.

“Thank you for this wonderful experience,” Sniscak stated. “We had a great run.”