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North Catasauqua: Thrift shop plans men’s clothing sale

Catasauqua Community Thrift Shop, 113 Bridge St., is planning to hold a buy one, get one sale on men’s clothing July 12-23. Business hours are 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Mondays-Fridays.

The shop is currently accepting donations.


Public Library of Catasauqua, 302 Bridge St., will hold its Tails and Tales summer reading program July 12, 19 and 26.

The library invites teens to join the Teen Advisory Group. TAG members learn leadership skills by promoting programs, advising on books and movies and more. Members must attend one meeting a month and be willing to help with events. Earn service hours through the program.

Permission slips are available at the library, at catasauquapl@cliu.org or by calling 610-264-4151.


North Catasauqua Recreation Committee is hosting a Community Night Out July 14 at North Catasauqua William J. Albert Memorial Park, 701 Grove St.


North Catasauqua Betterment Committee’s car cruises will be held 5-8 p.m. Aug. 2, with a rain date of Aug. 9, and Sept. 6, with a rain date of Sept. 13, at the park.

Email ncbetterment@gmail.com for more information.


If you would like your organization’s news to appear in Catasauqua Press, please email me with the details at scrappy8604@gmail.com.