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LV ACADEMY GRADUATION – JUNE 2 ‘Stay true to your goals’

Lehigh Valley Academy assembled at Coca-Cola Stadium June 2 to watch the Class of 2021 celebrate in an open-air ceremony. The class had just endured a year under the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, which shut down almost all schools and forced students to learn online.

Ninety-two students received their diplomas. Twenty-four of them had been students at LVA since kindergarten.

Despite the face masks and social distancing, the students and staff were in high spirits.

There was no designated valedictorian or salutatorian. Instead, a member of the student government was selected as class speaker.

Alex Campos, the speaker, used a literary metaphor to begin his speech. He was out on the baseball field on a dais set up over the batter’s box.

“As we continue to write our book, make sure you do not forget the people who helped you grow in the person you are today,” Campos said.

“I would like to say how proud I am of Lehigh Valley Academy for shaping me into the hard worker I have become today. LVA taught me that no matter what life will throw at you, as long as you stay true to your goals, you will be able to get through the tough times.”

Campos spoke of “friends being like stars” who you don’t have to see “to know they are there.”

He thanked Mr. Wingerter and Mr. Sabino “for making the student council the coolest experience ever.”

Campos was the Bethlehem Press’ student reporter this past school year and plans to attend Shippensburg University and major in criminal justice.

Jennifer Nonnemacher, the junior and senior high school principal, took her turn on the stage.

“Your commitment to learning and growing is astounding, as you all have worked hard during your time at LVA to graduate here tonight,” she said. “Your perseverance and strength have prepared all of you for great and bright futures in our world.

“I have a piece of advice for you. What stands before all of you this evening is an undefined future. You can be anything or anyone you want to be. This may be intimidating, but at the same time, it is liberating.”

Martin Smith, president of the board of trustees, offered kudos to the graduates for coming through the challenges of a pandemic.

“Hybrid schedules, learning remotely, at home at a relative’s house, dealing with technical problems, maybe helping take care of younger and older relatives, all while trying to complete your high school education to the best of your ability,” he said. “You persevered and rose to meet the challenges presented.

“Your ability to adapt and take on new challenges will prepare you well.”

PRESS PHOTOS BY DOUGLAS GRAVES The 2021 Lehigh Valley Academy graduates line up before marching across the baseball field at Coca-Cola Stadium. Natalie Woodell leads the line, followed by Branden Webb, Laura Veras, Kaylee Vega, Eshmael Vergas-Patrick, Kyara Varela and Michelle Tsapy Tatidoum.
“I would like to say how proud I am of Lehigh Valley Academy for shaping me into the hard worker I have become today,” Alex Campos, the student speaker, says.
Students attend with decorated mortar boards to add some fun to the ceremony.