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Municipal building now open for organizations’ meetings

Upper Milford Township Board of Supervisors opened the June 3 meeting with a discussion about the Quarry Road bridge.

Township Manager Bud Carter asked if the board would look into repairing the bridge.

Vice Chairperson Robert Sentner acknowledged the bridge would likely only service at least four people. He questioned the worth of the cost for its service.

“I think we really need to look into that,” Sentner said. “It’s crazy just for four people.”

After some discussion, Carter clarified the replacement would be a “rapid bridge replacement” and likely take place over a weekend. First, he said the township would likely need a request for proposal to select an engineer to design the repairs.

The board agreed to move along with filing a request for proposal to select an engineer.

Carter then asked if the supervisors would like to open the municipal building for use. The supervisors agreed to open it to meetings for the Upper Milford Youth Association, historical society, fish and game association, Hivel und Dahl Preservation Society and AARP.

Sentner asked if staff could create a guide or form to disperse to the organizations who may use the building.

In other news, a report from the recreation commission revealed “The Magical Mythical Bee” book walk installed at Churchview Park was “well received” by the public.