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Five zoning ordinance amendments approved

Five amendments to the Salisbury Township zoning ordinance were approved and one amendment was tabled during a public hearing before the board of commissioners.

Five township residents and one Lehigh Valley resident spoke during the approximate one-hour hearing June 24 in the township municipal building.

Salisbury Township Solicitor Attorney John W. Ashley chaired the hearing, during which each amendment was read and explained by Salisbury Township Director of Planning and Zoning Kerry Rabold, who spearheaded the research to update the amendments, assisted by Salisbury Township Consulting Engineer David J. Tettemer. A court stenographer recorded the proceedings.

Rabold and Ashley said the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of the ordinances and was to vote on the amendments at its June 24 meeting.

“This is a very nice letter [from the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission] and I know you put a lot of work into it,” township board President Deb Brinton said.

Salisbury Township Assistant Manager Sandy Nicolo thanked Rabold for her diligence.

“Dave [Tettemer] had a big hand in it,” Rabold said.

Rabold pointed out the amendments, which were recommended for approval by the township planning commission, were discussed at the May 27 commissioners’ workshop.

- Amend Chapter 27, Part 2 (definitions), of the zoning ordinance.

“The definition of land development now extends through harvesting of trees of a value of $2,000 per year and as part of Christmas tree-raising,” Rabold said.

During the public comment portion, township resident Jan Keim said, “If that allows more trees to be taken down, then I would certainly object.”

“It doesn’t affect any trees to be cut down,” Rabold responded.

Commissioner Heather Lipkin made the motion, seconded by board Vice President Rodney Conn, to bring the amendment to a vote, which was approved unanimously 5-0.

- Amend Chapter 27, Part 5 (environmental protection), of the zoning ordinance.

No member of the public attending commented.

Commissioner Alok Patnaik made the motion, seconded by Commissioner James Seagreaves, to bring the amendment to a vote, which was approved 5-0.

- Amend Chapter 22, Part 2 (definitions) of the subdivision and land development ordinance.

“We want all the definitions to match all of our ordinances,” Rabold said.

Conn made the motion, seconded by Patnaik, to bring the amendment to a vote, which was approved 5-0.

- Amend Chapter 22, Part 10, (design standards and required improvements of the SALDO).

“It’s mostly English-related when someone wants to go ahead with a land development or subdivision,” Rabold said.

Township resident Ellen Yorgey asked about the change from a 4 to 1 slope ratio to a 3 to 1 ratio.

“That was to bring it into alignment with Salisbury zoning,” Tettemer said. The 3 to 1 slope ratio has been in effect since 2016 in the township.

Conn made the motion, seconded by Lipkin, to bring the amendment to a vote, which was approved 5-0.

- Amend Chapter 25, tree maintenance, removal and replacement ordinance.

“The attorney general looked at the ordinance and said he was going to sue us,” Ashley said.

“You can bet the attorney general will get a call from me,” Keim said.

Lipkin made the motion, seconded by Patnaik, to bring the amendment to a vote, which was approved 5-0.

- Amend Chapter 9, grading and development ordinance.

Rabold said this would be tabled and brought back for consideration at a July commissioners’ meeting.

“There’s not going to be too many changes,” Rabold said.

In other business, Lipkin made a motion, seconded by Conn, to accept the resignation of Mark Kijak from the township planning commission.

“His life has changed and he has moved from the area,” Salisbury Township Manager Cathy Bonaskiewich said.

The township commissioners’ next scheduled board meeting is 7 p.m. July 8, in the municipal building, 2900 S. Pike Ave.

The 7 p.m. July 7 township zoning hearing board meeting is canceled.

The township planning commission is scheduled to meet 7 p.m. July 13.

The township recreation advisory committee will meet 7:30 p.m. July 19.

The township environmental advisory council is scheduled to meet 7 p.m. July 21.