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Glassic fills Northampton council seat

At the June 17 Northampton Borough Council meeting, Ronald Glassic was appointed to fill the third ward seat on council vacated by Thomas Gehringer.

Glassic was, for many years, the store manager at the former Coplay Laneco and has been working with BB&T bank for about 20 years. It was noted his work and life experiences of retail store management and working with a banking entity position him as a valuable asset to the current council. An understanding of finances and a clear understanding of customer service are desirable for all elected officials.

Currently, he sits on the Northampton Borough Municipal Authority.

“I want to make a difference,” Glassic said regarding his goals for being on council. “I have always been in moving-forward mode throughout my life, so if I fall, I will be falling forward. I simply want to support those who want to make our community better.”

When asked about his position on taxation, Glassic said, “I can’t really say much until I have the opportunity to review and process the budget.”

Glassic is married with two children and resides on East 10th Street.

Mayor Thomas Reenock completed the swearing-in ceremony of Glassic, who then took a seat at the council dais.

In another council appointment, Sandra Pudliner, of Oakland Drive, was appointed to the borough’s zoning hearing board. She attended the last council meeting to introduce herself.

Pudliner comes to the zoning hearing board with extensive experience. She served more than 35 years on the zoning hearing board in another municipality.

She is excited about the appointment and appears to have a passion for zoning matters. She looks forward to serving the borough.

Borough Manager LeRoy Brobst invited three residents who applied for the vacant NMBA seat to the council meeting. Council member Robert McHale is relocating out of the borough in late June, creating a vacancy. McHale’s authority tenure ends June 30.

Council approved a request from the Delaware & Lehigh Trail half-marathon committee to hold a half-marathon Nov. 7. The run will start 9 a.m. at Northern Lehigh High School in Slatington and end near 14th Street in Canal Street Park, Northampton. The committee expects to wrap up the half-marathon by 2 p.m.

A group of volunteers from the First Baptist Church youth ministry received permission, on the condition there was adult supervision, to pick up trash along the Norfolk Southern Railroad tracks 1-5 p.m. June 28. The borough provided trash bags.

Brobst reported he attended the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs’ virtual annual conference and garnered valuable information to better deal with blighted properties in the borough.

Brobst relayed the Northampton Borough Fire Department won four first-place prizes for the department’s equipment at the 125th anniversary parade and celebration of the Diamond Fire Department, Walnutport.

The Northampton Municipal Swimming Pool opened in the midst of the season’s first heat wave. Attendance was up, drawing visitors from as far away as Allentown. Pool receipts were up because of the recent heat wave, prompting Brobst to say he hopes high pool sales receipts will continue.

The Northampton Exchange Club is planning the upcoming Northampton Community Days at Municipal Park, Smith Lane and Laubach Avenue. The event begins 5:30 p.m. July 7 and runs through July 10.

It was also reported Northampton Farmers Market is attracting more visitors. The market runs 3-6:30 p.m. Tuesdays at Municipal Park through September.

There remains a vacancy on the borough’s planning commission. Applications are being accepted. Contact the borough office to apply.

Council voted to cancel the July 1 meeting.

The next Northampton Borough Council meeting is 7:30 p.m. July 15 in the municipal building, 1401 Laubach Ave. It is an in-person meeting.