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Fire company fears carnival will be canceled forever without a new ride vendor

The Lower Milford Board of Supervisors meeting was held May 20 and began with public comment from Supervisor John Quigley. He gave praise to Lowell Linde, who will be stepping into a bigger role for the township.

After the approval of last month’s minutes, the treasurer’s report was read. The general fund amount was $1,127,217.

Quigley did not approve the bills due to legal fees being accrued with Clark Hill. However, Supervisor Donna Wright said 90 percent of these fees do not pertain to Quigley’s issue of expenditures. Quigley understood, but still did not approve.

In the zoning report, Wright discussed the large amount of residential construction taking place in the township. She said a large number of lots have been approved and construction is starting.

There were nine calls in the month of April to the Macungie Ambulance Corps for Lower Milford. Christopher Greb was in attendance to discuss the report. He went over statistics and data reports with the supervisors. He said two ambulances were purchased last year. At one point at the end of 2020, he said the corps needed to deploy an extra ambulance during the days to cover the large call volume.

In the fire company report, it was announced the Lower Milford Fire Company carnival will be canceled for this year. The fire company and ride vendors could not financially make the carnival work, as the ride vendors wanted a guarantee of $20,000 profit before the carnival. The company is hoping another ride vendor may come in and help get things going again without such financial commitment.

To keep up fundraising, the fire company is expanding its hoagie sales. People can order and pay online. The website to order is lowermilfordfire.org.

Additionally, the company spent $104,000 for self-contained breathing apparatus for the fire trucks.

In new business, Resolution 2021-8 was approved for the reinstatement of a qualified retirement plan with the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors. This reinstatement will begin at the start of June. The employer will be the administrator of the plan.

Next, a request for amendment of the collective bargaining agreement was received from Township Administrator Emily Fucci. This allowed for new hires to receive their full wages after 180 days of a probationary period. Those in the probationary period receive 80 percent of their wages. Before this amendment, it was an 18-month probationary period. This was approved. It was believed this was dissuading people from applying to open positions.

In correspondence, it was reported by a resident there was excessive speeding on Milky Way. They reported clocking someone at 92 mph. Secretary Stacy Smith recommended placing removable speed bumps or a visual speedometer on the side of the road. Public comment was made about possible speed humps, which are not as harsh on vehicles, instead of the plastic speed bumps.

In further discussions on road work, a motion was approved to direct the township engineer to look at a potential road survey for Chestnut Hill Church Road.

The next Lower Milford Board of Supervisors meeting will be held 6:30 p.m. June 17. Meetings can be attended in person at the Lower Milford Township building, 7607 Chestnut Hill Church Road, Lower Milford. You do not have to wear a mask during the meeting if vaccinated.