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Charles Henry Schaeffer American Legion Post 191 award presented

PRESS PHOTO BY C. RICHARD CHARTRAND Caitlin O'Brien receives the Charles Henry Schaeffer American Legion Post 191 Award May 13 at Emmaus High School. Presenting the $1,000 check are Randy Schueck, committee Chairman Leonard J. Hvizdos handing the check to Caitlin, Emmaus High School Principal Kate Kieres, ich Krauss and Post Commander Jeff Gerhart. Not pictured were committee members Bob Mumbauer and Bill Hildebrant. O'Brien comes from a military family and plans to join the Navy ROTC in college. She hopes to be commissioned as a submarine officer stemming from her interest in nuclear engineering. After her time in the Navy, she intends on working for the United States government on high-security clearance scientific projects. Editor's Note: This caption has been changed from the print version.