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School board accepts staff retirements Directors treated to middle school art presentation


Special to The Press

Northwestern Lehigh School Board members read into the record 13 retirement resolutions at their May 12 meeting.

The years totaled more than two centuries of distinguished Black and Gold service.

Director of Human Resources Luann Matika noted said in total, the retiring staff members had served for a combined 226 years.

Resolutions were presented to Tari Carnahan, 16 years; Kelly Dumbleton, 18 years; Susan Fatzinger, 26 years; Patricia Greenawalt, 41 years; David Keck, 17 years; Denise Kilanowski, 11 years; Donna Knecht, 26 years; Lori Lenhart, 12 years; Theresa Leverence, 25 years; Wendy Madouse, 29 years; Barbara Reitz, two years; Keith Ritter, 25 years; and Julie Wehr, six years.

Superintendent Jennifer Holman said this has been a “monumental year” for retirement and recognitions.

Board President Willard Dellicker thanked the retirees and wished them well in their future endeavors.

“It certainly is a list of legends and fixtures we had here in Northwestern Lehigh that we’re going to miss, and we’re thankful we did have the time with you here to help us complete our mission for the children we have put in your care,” he said.

Additionally, board members were treated to a special art presentation video courtesy of middle school art teacher Christina Fogel and the students of Northwestern Lehigh Middle School.

Middle school Principal Bill Dovico said the presentation was taking the place of the usual student arts expo and the virtual display is available to watch on YouTube.

In the video, Fogel noted the unusual circumstances and unique format of the art presentation.

“Typically in the last 17 years I have been presenting individual student work and showcasing them individually,” she said. “Due to this unique year, I decided to change things up a little bit.”

She added the artwork shown would display students’ collaborative work.

Sixth grade students focused on the importance of individual strengths, and they created superhero cutouts based on their unique traits and positive qualities.

Seventh graders created mixed-media portraits using pencil and paper, and Google Drawings.

Fogel said the portraits were put together with stop-motion animation.

Lastly, for eight grade, Fogel said students focused on positivity and “looking on the bright side” by creating “words of inspiration” which were created with a laser engraver.

In her superintendent’s report, Holman noted the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine had recently received Emergency Use Authorization for children 12 and older, and said the district has been speaking with Lehigh Valley Health Network to set up a community vaccine clinic.

She said messages would soon be going out to district families and community member age 12 and older who would like to receive the Pfizer vaccine.

Appointments and preregistrations will be required, and children will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Additionally, Holman said a food service company taste test had recently been performed with the help of several students, and the results of the “comprehensive” test would come before the board in June.

Holman also said the Circle of Seasons’ charter school renewal will also be discussed at the school board’s June workshop meeting.

In other business, board members approved the 2021-22 proposed final budget, which was discussed extensively at the May workshop meeting and must be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Business Administrator Leslie Frisbie noted the budget includes $46,413,940 in total proposed revenues and $48,721,509 in total proposed expenditures.

She also said the budget includes a proposed 3 percent millage increase to raise $855,000 in tax revenue, and that this increase will raise the millage rate by 0.5164 mills to the new rate of 17.7360 mills.

The budget also includes a revised shortfall, and corresponding use of fund balance, of $1,452,569.

Furthermore, board members approved a 2021-22 trash bid, fuel bid and insurance proposal, as well as a $13,334 renewal agreement for Forecast5 Analytics software.

Furthermore, they also approved an agreement with Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit to participate in the Technology in Education Legal Counsel Consortium for the 2021-2022 school year, with an anticipated fee of around $559 per organization.

In the foundation report, LeAnn Stitzel reported the annual Tiger Run and Fun Walk will take place May 29 at Ontelaunee Park.

Participants will be able to register in-person the morning of the race between 7 a.m. and 7:45 a.m.

Stitzel also expressed gratitude on behalf of all the district’s staff to the foundation for sponsoring a food truck which provided staff members with bagels on several occasions.

Toward the end of the meeting, board members voted to reappoint John Casciano to continue in his role as board secretary, and also nominated and reappointed Todd Leiser as board treasurer.

Additionally, board members needed to appoint a new representative to the Lehigh Career and Technical Institute-Joint Operating Committee to replace current member Alan Rex and serve for a three-year term ending Nov. 20, 2023.

The board nominated and appointed Joseph Fatzinger as the LCTI-JOC representative, and also passed a second motion to appoint Casciano as the designated alternate.

The board is scheduled to meet for a workshop 7 p.m. June 2.

PRESS PHOTOS BY SARIT LASCHINSKY Middle school art teacher Christine Fogel introduced the virtual arts presentation, which showcased the collaborative work from students at Northwestern Lehigh Middle School.
Seventh grade students collaborated to create mixed-media portraits combining pencil and paper, Google Drawings and stop-motion animation.
Eighth graders focused on being positive and created “words of inspiration” boards with the help of a laser engraver.
Sixth grade students created cutout superheroes based on their individual strengths and characteristics, which were placed upon a colorful background.