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EPSD passes proposed final budget

The East Penn Board of School Directors observed a moment of silence in memory of Lynn Marie Mantone at the May 10 virtual regular meeting. The Eyer Middle School instructional assistant died May 7 at age 59.

The board adopted the 2021-2022 proposed final budget in the amount of $162,900,479.

Presented by Business Administrator Robert Saul, the budget includes “the following tax levies: 19.1277 mills on the assessed valuation of real estate, 0.5 percent (0.005) Act 511 earned income tax and 0.5 percent (0.005) Act 511 Real Estate Transfer Tax.”

Under this proposed final budget, the Senior Citizens Real Estate Tax Rebate Program for the 2021-2022 school year continues with the income eligibility guidelines to be established at the final budget adoption.

The directors reviewed language changes to a proposed Adidas Team Agreement that would start July 1 and end June 30, 2026. All voiced support to the revised agreement as more favorable to the district before unanimously approving it.

They unanimously approved the contract with SV Sports, which serves as the purchasing agent for Adidas products and other sports equipment manufacturers, for a 1-year automatically renewed contract from July 1 with the term ending June 30, 2026.

Contracts for a restroom renovation project at Lincoln Elementary School were awarded to Mohawk Contracting & Development for $45,750 as general contractor and The Warko Group for $69,565 for plumbing to be paid out of the capital reserve.

In her district update, School Superintendent Kristen Campbell said she was pleased to report a “return to traditional spring events.” More than 50 Emmaus High School student athletes planning to continue their education while participating in college sports were honored at the high school April 27 at a “really remarkable event.”

She mentioned Eyer’s spring musical “Into the Woods Jr.” is happening May 14 and 15 as outdoor performances at Kalmbach Park. Campbell added Emmaus’ virtual spring musical “Tuck Everlasting” is scheduled to stream June 5 and 6.

The superintendent announced EHS again ranked in the top 20 percent in the “US News and World Report Best High Schools” for 2020-2021.

Campbell described a Zip With Us T-shirt drive for pediatric cancer patients hosted by the district schools and the EHS Interact Club. The public is asked to donate new T-shirts to be fitted with zippers for kids who use a vascular access device.

In personnel matters, the directors acknowledged the retirements of EHS special education teacher Barbara Bunn and Eyer Middle School technology education teacher Jamie Kline, effective June 15.

Campbell praised them for their long service to the district with Bunn at 27 years and Kline at 15 years.

The board also accepted the resignation of EHS family and consumer sciences teacher Colleen Kingsbury effective July 1.

Janine Allen was retained as board secretary for the term effective July 1 to June 30, 2025.

Saul was reappointed as treasurer for the term effective July 1 to June 30, 2022.

Before their unanimously supported appointments, board President Ken Bacher commended the two for their service to the district.

Assistant Superintendent Douglas Povilaitis said, “No questions and no updates,” regarding a second review of updated board transportation policies. These address comparability of services, school bus drivers, school commercial motor vehicle drivers and drivers of other school vehicles and will be up for adoption at a later meeting.

Vice President Paul Champagne reported on happenings at Lehigh Career & Technical Institute including the passing of their 2021-2022 budget. He said they are discussing virtual career and technical education options to compete with private cyber charter schools.

Charitable Commonwealth Management made a $25,000 Educational Improvement Tax Credit scholarship available for tuition and other services at LCTI. Champagne encouraged interested students and their families to register for Camp LCTI.

With Gov. Tom Wolf relaxing COVID-19 restrictions soon, the directors discussed a return to in-person board meetings. While it has been possible to livestream and listen to public comment during the virtual meetings, Director of Information and Instructional Tech Lisa Manzo explained there is a need to upgrade the technology and purchase additional equipment for the board room to continue those options.

Campbell reminded everyone there would still be a 3-foot social distancing and mask-wearing protocol to follow for in-person gatherings.

All members agreed meeting in person with members of the public present with livestreaming should be a first priority and virtual public participation as a secondary goal. They asked the administration for a list of needed technology upgrades and costs to review by the next virtual meeting.

Bacher announced there was an executive session held 6:30 p.m. before the public forum on “personnel and negotiations.”

No members of the public addressed the board during this session.

The East Penn School Board meets 7:30 p.m. generally on the second and fourth Monday of each month. The next regular board meeting is scheduled for May 24. The public can access documents through BoardDocs and attend meetings online via a link on the district website.

PRESS PHOTO BY ED COURRIER Business Administrator Robert Saul explains the 2021-2022 proposed final budget at the May 10 virtual regular meeting.