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Hokendauqua: First Presbyterian to worship outside

First Presbyterian Church of Hokendauqua is holding an outdoor worship service 10 a.m. May 2 at the church, 3005 S. Front St.

When arriving, come to the church side lawn. Bring your mask and a lawn chair, and keep a distance between others.

The service will still be livestreamed on Facebook and recorded for the church website to view at home.

The next game night will be 7 p.m. May 21. The Zoom link will be announced at a later date.

Email the church office at hokeypres@gmail.com if interesting in joining.


Hokey Athletic Association is holding Hokey Eagles cheerleading and football camp sign-ups online at hokeyaa.org.

The cheerleading camp is 6-7 p.m. May 4, 11, 20 and 28, June 29 and July 8 and 15. The group will meet 5:30-7 p.m. June 6, 13 and 20.

The football camp is 6-7:30 p.m. May 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, June 6, 13, 20 and 27 and July 18.

Both camps are located at the Hokey football field, 3151 Lehigh St.

For more information, contact Chris Wydock at wydockc@yahoo.com.


Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3355 MacArthur Road, will be hosting a blood drive 3-7 p.m. May 17.

If interesting in donating, contact Judy Ehret at 610-767-5061 or judyae@ptd.net for an appointment.

Reminder: Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church is holding worship 9 a.m. at the church. The service will be available for online viewing as well.

If attending in person, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines will be followed.


Email me at skoch@tnonline.com with your church, club or organization information by May 7 to meet the deadline.

Happy Mother’s Day!