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Practice donates funds to Pediatric Cancer Foundation of the Lehigh Valley.

As part of an ongoing commitment to community service, Ai Orthodontics, located at 550 Harrison St., Emmaus, raised and donated $20,348 to the Pediatric Cancer Foundation of the Lehigh Valley.

A variety of other dental practices throughout the Lehigh Valley contributed to the fundraising campaign which Ai Orthodontics organized.

A nonprofit organization, PCFLV focuses on providing non-medical assistance to young cancer patients and their families.

As stated in the group’s mission statement, “We embrace the pediatric cancer journey alongside children and their families, moving forward as a community … We will support at diagnosis, encourage during treatment, empower in survivorship [and] comfort throughout bereavement.” Therefore, PCFLV’s services span an array of needs and activities. From comfort bags presented upon diagnosis to social opportunities for all family members to appropriate financial assistance, PCFLV offers comfort at all stages of the cancer journey.

To maintain its programs, PCFLV depends on fundraising and community backing.

Dr. Aejaaz Issa and his staff have again spearheaded a campaign in support of outreach to those in need of solace and hope.

Press Photos by Beverly Springer Pediatric Cancer Foundation of the Lehigh Valley Executive Director Michelle Zenie accepts the donation collected through the efforts of Ai Orthodontics. From left to right, front row are: PCFLV Executive Director Michelle Zenie, representing Dr. Nicole Miller's office Elizabeth Cook, representing Dr. Marsha Gordon's office Carrie Breyer, Ai Orthodontics staff members Danielle Snyder and Katherine Ledesma, and Dr. Aejaaz Issa. From left to right, back row are: representing Emmaus Main Street Partners Wade George, Ai Orthodontics Event Coordinator Karen Hobson, Ai Orthodontics staff members Cassondra Hale, Zaritza Valdez, Amy Bennecoff, Jenna Dillinger, Alicia Creyer, Savanna Nice and Jessica Weiss. Others deserving special recognition but who were unable to attend the presentation are Dr. Phillip Brinton, Dr. Bradford Young, Dr. Christopher Vivona, Dr. James Tynecki, Dr. Navid Hadian, Dr. Ann Kearney Astolfi and Dr. Kimberly DeWire.
Ai Orthodontics staff member Katherine Ledesma models the shirt created in honor of PCFLV.
The back of the shirt features a list of all participating dental practices contributing to the donation.